Beautiful views, such as this one of the Grand Tetons, are one of the appeals of camping

What Is The Appeal Of Camping? The Answer might surprise you…

What Is The Appeal Of Camping?

With the increase in the popularity of camping over the last few years those who haven’t already joined the trend may find themselves asking “What is the appeal of Camping?”

I grew up in a family that has gone camping for generations so it has always been a part of my life and something about which I have always been passionate. 

However, for others who didn’t have that childhood experience, it is easy to see how the appeal of camping might not be quite so evident. Camping is certainly not without its challenges. It can be hard to plan, hard to pack, you need specific equipment, and to top it off it’s dirty. Now some people may stop right there and say “camping just isn’t for me” and if that’s you, that’s okay.

That being said, there are also a lot of pros that give camping its appeal. And, if you’re a bit like me, I think you will find that the pros far outweigh the cons. 

Why Do People Like Camping?

If you have spent any time with someone who is an avid camper you may have noticed that people can become quite passionate about camping. Sure, people love going on vacation in general, but there is something different about camping that draws people in.

Camping offers a host of unique experiences, from the beauty of the places you visit, to the wildlife you often encounter, to the uninterrupted time with your loved ones that gives it a particular appeal.

Sunset over a river while camping

✔️ Visit Beautiful Places

One of the largest appeals of camping is that you have the opportunity to see and experience incredibly beautiful places. From Yosemite to Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon, some of the most beautiful destinations on the planet are most easily accessed via camping.  

It is true that many national parks also have lodges, cabins, or hotels available. However, these locations are often prohibitively expensive, and extremely difficult to book. 

Whereas those same national parks have far more availability for camping and often the campgrounds are closer to the main attractions.

✔️ Access a Variety of Locations

In addition to the more well-known national parks, there are thousands of lesser-known camping destinations that rival the beauty of the national parks, and the only option for accommodation is camping. 

State parks, national forests, and public lands are all filled with amazing campgrounds at stunning locations. The beauty of these destinations is that they are often easier to book and less crowded. Once you get comfortable camping you can even try camping outside of established campgrounds.

Camping is often associated with the forest or the mountains but the truth is there are campgrounds in just about any time of environment you like. Whether your preference is the desert, the beach, or the mountains, you can find places to camp that suit you.

In fact, there are so many options for camping destinations that there are multiple apps dedicated exclusively to finding camping locations.

✔️ Connect With Nature

It is undeniable that one of the largest appeals of camping is that it provides you with the opportunity to disconnect from your daily routine, put away your phone (there is often no reception), slow down and reconnect with nature.

There is an ineffable feeling that comes over you when you are present in nature and away from all the trappings of the city and society. You can not help but be overcome by a profound sense of being a part of something bigger than the creations of humans.

When you stare down at something as vast as the Grand Canyon and try to comprehend the timeline of thousands and thousands of years of its formation, your perspective simply changes. 

Exploring narrow canyons while camping at Pinnacles National Park

✔️ Experience Wildlife

Camping often offers the ability to experience wildlife up close and in its natural environment. For all too many people these days, interaction with animals comes only in the form of a tv show or a visit to the zoo.

While both of these can be informative and spark the curiosity of children and adults alike, neither compare to actually seeing wildlife up close in its natural environment.

Not all camping destinations are equal in their exposure to wildlife and none compares to Yellowstone. On a recent trip to Yellowstone, we saw elk and buffalo graze in the fields. We watched wolves search for prey and heard them howl through the steam rising from the floor of Lamar Valley. We even watched two grizzly bears fight over the carcass of a buffalo that one of them had killed.

The opportunity to see wildlife up close and in their natural environment is a primary appeal of camping

On a hike in Glacier National Park, a herd of mountain goats meandered right across the trail in front of us.

On other trips, we have seen beavers duck into the river, watched marmots pop out of their holes, and witnessed a bald eagle pluck a fish out of a lake and carry it up into a tree for lunch.

Our kids can pass entire days trying to catch tadpoles or searching for frogs on a river bank. On one trip to Big Sur, the highlight of our 2-year-old son’s trip was watching rabbits dart in and out of the bushes near our campsite.

For both adults and children alike experiencing wildlife in person fosters a connection with and appreciation of nature and its inhabitants in a way few other things can.

✔️ Connect With Your Family

Camping also creates a great opportunity to connect with our families. When we take ourselves away from our phones, our TVs, and all the other objects we have created to entertain and distract ourselves it also forces us to reconnect with each other. 

Hiking with our kids is one of our favorite things to do while camping

With all those gadgets out of reach, we must actually talk to the people around us, be it our spouse, kids, or a stranger we just met at a trailhead. 

There is nothing quite like sitting around a campfire that opens up conversations. It is likely humanity’s oldest form of community building. 

What Is The Best Thing About Camping?

➡️ Camping Is Affordable

One of the main things that gives camping its appeal is its relative affordability. Once you have invested in some camping equipment a week-long camping trip will cost you far less than any other type of vacation. 

In fact, even if you do have to start from scratch and buy all your camp gear and add that to the cost of your first week-long camp trip you will probably still spend less than you would staying in a hotel for a week. 

Then when you consider that quality camp equipment will likely last you for decades the cost of all subsequent trips will really come down. 

Inside of a tent. Camping's affordability makes it appealing.

➡️ How Much Does Camping Cost?

Like any vacation, the cost of a camping trip will vary depending on the location you choose, how far you have to drive, and the amount of luxury you are looking for.

Our weeklong camping trips on average cost us around $1,000 including the cost of food for the week (which is money we would be spending if we stayed home anyways so it’s really not an additional cost). 

Here is the cost breakdown;

Campsite – $35/night x 7 nights = $245
Food for the week = $400
Gas = $200
Misc (Ice, Firewood, etc…) = $150
Total = $995

We go really big on food and get all sorts of fun treats as well as some luxury items like nice cheeses, chocolate, or a nice bottle of wine to make the trip feel fun and special. So it would certainly be possible to spend even less if that were your goal. 

Additionally, there are lots of awesome ways to find completely free places to camp. If you’re new to camping I would recommend staying in an established campground with the benefit of fire rings, picnic tables, bathrooms, and water. Once you get the hang of camping you can start to search out more remote destinations that won’t cost you a dime. 

The affordability of camping, however, is just a small part of its true appeal. 

Reasons To Go Camping With Kids

We absolutely love watching our kids while camping. Being outside, in a new environment, with all sorts of sounds, sights, and smells to stimulate their senses triggers their curiosity and imagination.

It is a constant process of learning, whether they are learning new hobbies, or learning about their surroundings.

Kids playing in a creek bed while camping in big sur

✔️ Expose them to new activities

Camping provides countless opportunities to expose children to new activities.

My 8-year-old daughter fell in love with kayaking on a trip this summer and spent the whole week paddling around the lake we were camped at. When we decided to hike around the lake one day she convinced us to let her paddle her kayak along the shoreline instead.

On other trips, we have taken her for horseback rides, which is a great opportunity to not only learn about horses but also experience your setting from a different perspective.

One appeal of camping is it offers numerous opportunities to try new things, such as horseback riding.

✔️ Hands-On Learning

When camping, the learning process for kids doesn’t stop with what you actively teach them. Especially with young ones, you can see their minds turn as they interact with their surroundings.

My three-year-old son loves playing in the dirt. Sometimes, he literally lays down with his face in the dirt and feels the earth. Maybe playing with a toy we brought from home or just playing with some sticks or rocks he found. It may take us a few extra minutes to get him cleaned up at the end of the day, but it is well worth seeing his imagination soar.

2 year old throwing rocks into a stream while camping

My son had another favorite game he invited this summer where he would find a grove of trees and pretend it was a house. Going so far as to point out where the bedroom, the kitchen, and the bathrooms were. 

From the time they climb out of the tent in the morning to the time they crash out in chairs by the campfire at night they are constantly on the move. Watching them learn and grow throughout each day is for me the most appealing aspect of camping. 

Reasons To Go Camping With A Group Or On Your Own

One of the great appeals of camping is that it is versatile. Including when it comes to the amount of company you want. Sometimes we want to have a vacation where it is just the four of us (Myself, my wife, and our two kids), other times we like camping with a big group. Both are fun and achievable. 

Group photo of an extended family camping trip.  The ability to connect with friends and family is a large appeal of camping

✔️ Build Togetherness and Community

Every summer we go on an extended family camping trip. It always includes myself, my wife, our kids, my parents, my brother, his wife, and their kids. Often it also includes my wife’s siblings, my aunts, uncles and cousins, and family friends. 

Some years the group total tops 30 people, one extreme year we actually had 96 people who all knew each other camped in the same campground. Given, that year was an outlier (and to be honest a bit chaotic) but the point is camping is the easiest way to go on a vacation with a group of friends and family. 

During the day, everyone can hang out and plan activities together, but still have their own campsite to retire to and gain some privacy in the evening or mornings. 

✔️ Find Solitude

On other trips, we prefer to get away from the crowds and find quiet places where just the four of us can connect. With the variety of camping locations available this isn’t hard to do. It may take a little more research to find the right location but they are out there.

Getting away from the crowds may also require a bit more effort when it comes to packing and planning.

Sunset in the Grand Tetons with no one around.

✔️ Meet New People

If you are someone who prefers a more social environment then sticking with established campgrounds may be the right call for you.

In most campgrounds, you will find a wonderful sense of community. People are generally kind and talkative. They are eager to learn about their temporary neighbors and often willing to jump in and lend a hand if needed. 

One of the things that we love about going camping with just our family is that our kids almost always find other children at the campground to play with. Our daughter has made numerous ‘best friends’ on camping trips. Our little guy, always wanting to imitate his big sister, is always right there tagging along and trying to make friends of his own. 

What Are the Disadvantages of Camping?

You may have noticed by this point that we think camping is a pretty great way to spend your vacation time! That being said, we recognize that camping isn’t without its challenges.

Likely the biggest challenge that camping presents is that you need to bring all your food with you. While this can be a daunting task when you are new to camping, after you get a little practice, and learn what types of meals you like to prepare, it becomes much easier.

Overall, the challenges of camping are far outweighed by the benefits.

Final Thoughts: What Is The Appeal of Camping For Us?

Family photo in Olympic National Park.

In conclusion, we love to camp because it allows us to see some of the most beautiful parts of the world and to watch our kids’ imaginations and curiosity soar. It fosters in them, and us, an appreciation for our planet and its beauty. It allows us to unplug from the daily hustle of life at home and reconnect to each other and to nature.

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